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Cloud Spotter 🌤🌥⛅️🌦

This cloud spotter craft is a fun and interactive way for kids to learn about different types of clouds and how to identify them. To make this cloud spotter, kids can draw or print out a picture of a cloud chart that shows different cloud types and their characteristics, such as shape, size, and color. Glue the chart to a piece of paper or cardboard. And finally, they can use their cloud spotter to go outside and look up at the sky, trying to identify the different types of clouds that they see based on the chart. This craft is a great way to encourage kids to get outside and explore nature while also learning about science and meteorology. So many questions come up while watching the sky go by! 🌤🌥⛅️🌦

Below you can download a cloud spotter PDF paper for free :)

Cloud Spotter Video


  • Easy


  • Cardboard

  • Markers/Paint

  • Cloud Images

  • Glue

  • Cardboard Knife (Adult help needed)


  1. Use the cardboard knife to cut a cloud shape hole. (Adult help needed for this step)

  2. Have your kids paint/draw a rainbow or sun. (or anything they want)

  3. Glue the type of cloud images.

  4. Go outside and observe the sky! Use the cloud spotter to identify them.

  5. Have fun!


  • Clouds are made up of tiny water droplets or ice crystals that have condensed, or come together, in the air. Water is always present in the air around us, but it's usually in the form of invisible water vapor.

  • Clouds form when the air cools and can't hold as much water vapor as it could before. This can happen when the air rises, such as when warm air rises up into the sky or when a cool front meets a warm front in the atmosphere. As the air cools, the water vapor in the air starts to condense into tiny droplets or ice crystals, which then stick together to form clouds.

  • Clouds come in many different shapes and sizes, depending on how they form and the weather conditions in the atmosphere. Some clouds are flat and spread out, while others are tall and puffy. Some clouds are white, while others are gray or even black.

  • Clouds can also tell us a lot about the weather. For example, if you see dark, towering clouds in the sky, it might mean that a storm is on the way. Or if you see thin, wispy clouds, it might mean that the weather will be sunny and clear.

So, that's the science behind clouds! They form when water vapor in the air condenses into tiny droplets or ice crystals, and they come in many different shapes and sizes depending on the weather conditions in the atmosphere.


  • Adult supervision required for any of these activities. Please supervise and make sure children participating are safe. Read instructions and the safety labels from each material.


  • This blog post may contain affiliate links for your convenience. I may receive a commission for purchase made through links in this post.

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